Skills Up On Reading Comprehension P6 (2014 Ed.)
text_isbn 9789888294152
HK$ 92
Skills Up on Reading Comprehension is a series of workbooks written in accordance with the latest English Language Curriculum Guide (Primary 1-6), published by the Hong Kong Curriculum Development Council. This series consists of 6 books which target Primary 1 to 6 students.
Key features include:
Reading skills
- Essential Reading Skills and Text Type Analysis provide an overview of essential reading skills covered in the book.
- Skills Focus provides tips on reading skills.
- Text Type gives the text type: story, poem poster, play.
- Checkpoint provides short tests to check students’ progress.
- Answering Tips provide extra tips on locating the answers in the text. P4-P6 contains Help You Write, which helps students give clear answers to questions.
Word building
- Word Preview pre-teaches useful words relating to the theme and the reading text.
- Word Bank provides word building strategies to strengthen students’ abilities to understand unfamiliar words.
- Vocabulary List offers theme-based words to consolidate vocabulary learning.